Scott Smitelli


This section of the site is a showcase of software projects I have worked on in my personal time. Every project listed on this site has source code available for perusal, and most of the projects that are web-based are actively running somewhere on the internet. There is no firm criteria for inclusion here; these projects run the gamut from incomplete to finished, and from totally abandoned to absolutely essential to my life. The one thing they all share in common is that they have something to do with programming a computer.

This is the website you are currently looking at. More »


The semi-complete teardown of Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure (1992). More »


A reconstruction of the source code of Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure (1992), using the original C compiler and x86 assembler from 1988. More »


A utility that removes tweets from Twitter after they reach a specified age. Because nothing good ever came from a ten-year-old tweet. More »


Windowbox is a photo-hosting website where I post pictures directly from my phone camera. More »


The configuration management code that automatically built this web server and everything running on it. More »


Scott’s dotfiles. More »


A cache object that actually deletes the least-recently-used items. More »


A dynamic CMS for mostly-static content. This site was powered by Docroute from 2012 to 2024. More »

Is That Company Real?

A web service that uses a proprietary and jealously-guarded algorithm to determine if a given company is “real.” More »